Sunday, October 4, 2009

Soulful Sunday: A Little Belly Laugh

We all need a laugh now and then. Many medical studies say it is good for you. There is a great site, where this is taken from, called is full of funny photos for a quick laugh. If you need to lighten your mood a little, I suggest checking this site out - it never fails to get a smile on my face. This Soulful Sunday, I thought I'd try a bit of humor for a change - heck, if you like it, maybe I'll keep this the theme for Sundays from now on - a little bit of humor for you all. Let me know what you think.

Considering the time of year, and the fact that I just had a chipmunk with so much of my birdseed in its mouth it couldn't close it fully, I thought this photo was appropriate. I did try to get a photo of said chipmunk, but, somehow, he managed to keep his top-heavy head up and run away at the sound of the door opening. I'll try tomorrow :)

For now, I'm off to work out, and redo some product photos before Brennan gets his new Wii going (an early b-day present from me) as the sounds of that are likely to make me join in the fun :)

Have a great Sunday!

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