Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New Celtic Knotwork Drawings

A long, long time ago I posted photos of a drawing I did, with the phrase "Siochan Leat" (meaning "Peace Be With You) on it and a myriad of Celtic knotwork. Today, I wanted to show you that one again as well as a new drawing that I have finished, and one that is in progress! The one above is about 8-1/2" x 10-1/2", done in pen, pencil and waterolor pencil. I didn't use water over the watercolor pencil as I had already done the gold pen on it and I am afraid it will smudge...For now I am not making jewelry as I have boxes of already made jewelry that I have decided must sell before I go and make any more. The sale is still going well in my Etsy store, check out the new items here:
Lest I drown in jewelry (I am sure there are worse deaths), I am taking some time to go back to my drawing roots:

Here is another one I just finished, a Green Celtic Knotwork Circle. I used pencil, pen, ink and watercolor pencils. I painted the watercolor pencils to give depth to the knotwork and border. It is about 8-1/2"8-1/2".

Here is a closeup of the knotwork. I used gold pen in the center to give light to the middle, like sunlight shining through the center.

Here is my newest work in progress, a Celtic Cross done in knotwork. Here you can see the pencil drawing, and I have started to go over it with pen and when that is done (I have already done about 3/4 of it now at this posting), I will start to go in and color each part of knotwork and background of the cross. I am contemplating what to do the background of the whole I do grass and sky, or just leave it white? What do you think?

Another question arises...what do you think I should do with these drawings? Should I make blank greeting cards with them? Would you like to purchase or receive a card with something like this on it? I am interested in opinions, so please join in the discussion :)

On the exercise front, I am (sort of) plugging away at it. I'm trying to do yoga everyday, but with the weather changing, I am finding my fibromyalgia pain is coming back. The good news is that when I do yoga, the pain almost instantly lessens or goes away so that is absolutely fantastic. I just need more cardio...I went for a walk with Arwen yesterday (she says hi!) and that was wonderful. I need to get out there more with her and also ride my stationary bike more. Anyone know a really good company for doggy rainsuits and boots? Arwen needs to get some as the roads are wet and I now have half the dirt road on my hardwood floor...hmm...maybe I should go and clean that up...

See you soon, and please, let me know what you think of the drawings and what I should do with them!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturday: The Sale is Still Going Strong, and So Am I!

The Sale is still going strong in my Etsy shop - more items have been added so be sure to check out all of the great deals.

I am still exercising as per my pledge on Chatelaine's Fresh Start Contest. I did 40 minutes of yoga on Monday, 30 minutes on my bike followed by 40 minutes of yoga Wednesday morning and then another hour Wednesday evening, and I rode my bike for 30 minutes yesterday morning, followed by an hour of yoga in the evening - woo hoo!
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

HUGE 50% Off Sale in My Etsy Store!

I need to make room for all of the creations I want to make, and to do that, I am selling almost all of my jewelry for 50% off! Why not get your holiday shopping done now, and have some money left over to buy something for yourself? See the sale section here:
Happy shopping!


Friday, October 15, 2010

New Photo, Pledge Update and Glass Bead Demo!

Here is another photo of our rings - yes I had sapphire blue nail polish - I couldn't just go with traditional French, lol!

As for my Chatelaine pledge: Yesterday evening I rode my stationary bike for 30 minutes, and then did 40 minutes of yoga - feeling some serious exercise bliss and so proud that I did it instead of watching a movie and probably eating mindlessly (even if it is usually healthy stuff, it is still mindless eating - and I avoided it!). Woot!
Tomorrow I am going to watch a glass bead making demo with my friend Louise from Fireseed - we are going in together to see a woman make some really cool beads that look like the inside of an aquarium! I can't wait to see the demo! I am going to try to remember my camera to take some photos for you all :)
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Am Taking the Chatelaine Fresh Start Contest! And Other News

Ok, Ok, before I get to that, some of you asked for some wedding photos so here is one - I have to go slowly, lol. Thank you all SO much for your congratulations and well wishes, you made us smile with each comment.

Also, praise God, all of those miners are either out of the mine, or are on their way out right now in Chile. Praise to the rescue workers and God be with the miners and their families as they recover from such a scary ordeal.

Now for the Chatelaine contest - I have blogged in the past about trying to exercise regularly, and usually I do it, but here is a cool incentive, in a contest from Chatelaine, called the Fresh Start Contest. Basically, you make a pledge, sign up on their site and then follow through with emails each day from them filled with encouragement. There will be prizes and I hope I win!

After just getting married I realized that it isn't just for me that I need to be healthy and exercise - I need to be healthy to support my husband too, so that we can have a happy, healthy marriage for "as long as we both shall live". Therefore, I am pledging to exercise at least 3-5 times per week and I will post (pinky swear) each time I do. My page is here:

Today I spent about an hour shoveling and moving large wheelbarrow loads of soil around my yard. That was hard! Later on I will be doing about 40 minutes of yoga to make sure I'm not too sore from all the soil-moving. Yay! I did it! You can sign up too, and make all sorts of pledges at Chatelaine's website at:

What's your pledge?
Have a great day!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I'm Back!

One of the 3 blankets I crocheted as wedding gifts for my wedding. Design by Dorothy Warrell.

YAY! I'm back and boy have I missed everyone in the blogosphere! On September 10, Brennan and I finally got married in a teeny tiny (8 person) ceremony in Kemptville, Ontario. We were so blessed to have nice weather and our immediate family around us. I was doubly blessed - September 10 is my birthday, so I got to get the man I love to be officially mine on my birthday :)
The photos here are of a project I've worked on for a year (I'm still working on one for Brennan and I now, but I managed to get the others ready by the wedding, phew!). I purchased 4 blanket kits from a year ago and got them all the same to give to our parents and my friend who was taking our photos. It is an Aran Nosegay pattern and WOW! was it time consuming (about 70 hours per blanket), but SO worth it. Everyone loves them, and I can't wait to finish mine. They are about 4 feet by 5feet 7 inches and so incredibly toasty warm.

Here's a closeup of one of the panels

Each blanket takes 12 panels, and I had never done a blanket before, so it took me a while to figure out the stitches (thank God it was crochet and not knitting, I'm so slow at knitting, I'd probably still be on the first panel of the first blanket!), but I did, and now I have to say I am HOOKED (no pun intended, well, ok, a teensy pun intended!). I LOVE making blankets and I have already ordered a different kit for when I am done my current one. You can never have enough blankets, and I figure, if the next one goes well, I'll order another kit of that one and give it as a Christmas or birthday gift next year :)

The blanket kits came with labels for me to personalize the blankets. I put our initials and the year.

I've also started to crochet washcloths and some fingerless gloves for myself, and a friend of mine is going to help me knit my first pair of socks - how addictive yarn is! I'll try to keep you updated as I go. I'm really slow though, so be prepared for sporadic updates on those!

Additionally, I am starting to (finally) write my gluten free, low allergy cookbook. It will be slow going for a while - I have to have people to test the recipes in their kitchens and that takes time - but I am excited to be finally working on it!

My jewellery stores on Etsy and Artfire are still going strong, and I have updated and relisted a few items over the last couple of days, keep checking back for more great items!

Thank you for all of your patience with my absence, I was really worried that I would lose all of my followers. I will be posting more regularly now, I promise :)

Have a fantastic day, full of happiness and blessings,


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This is now a copy of my main blog, Little Studio Photography and Jewellery If you have any questions, please leave a comment and I will gladly try to answer it :)