Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Am Taking the Chatelaine Fresh Start Contest! And Other News

Ok, Ok, before I get to that, some of you asked for some wedding photos so here is one - I have to go slowly, lol. Thank you all SO much for your congratulations and well wishes, you made us smile with each comment.

Also, praise God, all of those miners are either out of the mine, or are on their way out right now in Chile. Praise to the rescue workers and God be with the miners and their families as they recover from such a scary ordeal.

Now for the Chatelaine contest - I have blogged in the past about trying to exercise regularly, and usually I do it, but here is a cool incentive, in a contest from Chatelaine, called the Fresh Start Contest. Basically, you make a pledge, sign up on their site and then follow through with emails each day from them filled with encouragement. There will be prizes and I hope I win!

After just getting married I realized that it isn't just for me that I need to be healthy and exercise - I need to be healthy to support my husband too, so that we can have a happy, healthy marriage for "as long as we both shall live". Therefore, I am pledging to exercise at least 3-5 times per week and I will post (pinky swear) each time I do. My page is here:

Today I spent about an hour shoveling and moving large wheelbarrow loads of soil around my yard. That was hard! Later on I will be doing about 40 minutes of yoga to make sure I'm not too sore from all the soil-moving. Yay! I did it! You can sign up too, and make all sorts of pledges at Chatelaine's website at:

What's your pledge?
Have a great day!


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