Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New Celtic Knotwork Drawings

A long, long time ago I posted photos of a drawing I did, with the phrase "Siochan Leat" (meaning "Peace Be With You) on it and a myriad of Celtic knotwork. Today, I wanted to show you that one again as well as a new drawing that I have finished, and one that is in progress! The one above is about 8-1/2" x 10-1/2", done in pen, pencil and waterolor pencil. I didn't use water over the watercolor pencil as I had already done the gold pen on it and I am afraid it will smudge...For now I am not making jewelry as I have boxes of already made jewelry that I have decided must sell before I go and make any more. The sale is still going well in my Etsy store, check out the new items here:
Lest I drown in jewelry (I am sure there are worse deaths), I am taking some time to go back to my drawing roots:

Here is another one I just finished, a Green Celtic Knotwork Circle. I used pencil, pen, ink and watercolor pencils. I painted the watercolor pencils to give depth to the knotwork and border. It is about 8-1/2"8-1/2".

Here is a closeup of the knotwork. I used gold pen in the center to give light to the middle, like sunlight shining through the center.

Here is my newest work in progress, a Celtic Cross done in knotwork. Here you can see the pencil drawing, and I have started to go over it with pen and when that is done (I have already done about 3/4 of it now at this posting), I will start to go in and color each part of knotwork and background of the cross. I am contemplating what to do the background of the whole I do grass and sky, or just leave it white? What do you think?

Another question arises...what do you think I should do with these drawings? Should I make blank greeting cards with them? Would you like to purchase or receive a card with something like this on it? I am interested in opinions, so please join in the discussion :)

On the exercise front, I am (sort of) plugging away at it. I'm trying to do yoga everyday, but with the weather changing, I am finding my fibromyalgia pain is coming back. The good news is that when I do yoga, the pain almost instantly lessens or goes away so that is absolutely fantastic. I just need more cardio...I went for a walk with Arwen yesterday (she says hi!) and that was wonderful. I need to get out there more with her and also ride my stationary bike more. Anyone know a really good company for doggy rainsuits and boots? Arwen needs to get some as the roads are wet and I now have half the dirt road on my hardwood floor...hmm...maybe I should go and clean that up...

See you soon, and please, let me know what you think of the drawings and what I should do with them!

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