Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thoughtful Thursday: New Year's Eve

One of My Drawings, Siochan Leat (Means Peace Be With You)

Another year over, this wants thinking about. Many things have come, some have stayed, some have gone. Brennan and I are planning a quiet night with just the two of us. We bought a bottle of wine (nothing crazy expensive, just one we haven't tried), and I'm going to make a simple but nice supper. We'll probably watch a movie, maybe play some video games.

I probably won't stay awake to ring in the New Year...I know it sounds weird, but I'm more into fixing things as they come up, making plans throughout the year instead of making a bunch of resolutions at the beginning of the year. I don't know, it always sounded weird to is the new year going to make me more determined to do something?

I don't think we should get all uptight about 'turning a new leaf' for the New Year. We need to relax a bit and put less pressure on ourselves. Make peace with ourselves. We are good as we are, even if we have beer bellies or worry a bit too much. Self-improvement is good, but not for the sake of it. Needless to say, I don't do "resolutions" each year...I think that is setting myself up for failure and more unnecessary guilt. I do try to set goals throughout the year, and yes, I re-evaluate at the New Year, among other times. I like goals - they are reachable, but if I don't stick to them, I'm not going to beat myself up about it (okay I will, but it isn't as bad, I swear).

Here are a few of my goals for 2010:

Walk Arwen every day it is above -10C and below 35C (we are getting boots in early January, more about that later)

Spend more time with Brennan

Give away more jewelry/drawings/photos. I like to do it. Hopefully you like to get it!

Make at least 2 pieces of jewelry per week, blog them, photograph them and list them for sale

Work out more. I know I like it....eventually

Entertain more. I love to cook. I love to cook for people.

Crochet/knit/draw/sew for a few minutes each day. Just a couple of minutes. I can do that!

Relax. Seriously. I'm driving myself nuts with how uptight I am. I can't imagine what I'm doing to everyone else around me...have I driven you nuts yet? Probably.

I could probably go on and on, but I won't bore you further. These are GOALS after all, and not essential to being kept, though I know how good I'll feel when I do keep them. Which I will...

I hope.

I wish you all a very safe, happy, healthy and FANTASTIC New Year. May you be blessed with laughter, joy and the very best of what life can bring.Just for being you.

Peace Be With You.

(and Arwen too!)

1 comment:

Renee said...

Okay Meghann why aren't you drawing more. I love it.

Happy New Year.



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