Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sweet Saturday: Arwen's Taking Over!

Rah-roooh! It's me, Arwen the wonder-dog extraordinaire and I'm taking over this blog for the weekend!! Mommy is going over to her Monna's (that is what she calls her mom) and Daddoo's (that is what she calls her dad) house and she is bringing me with her for the weekend. I love going to their house because GrandMonna and GrandDadoo always spoil me with lots of treats and table scraps, but shhhhhh! don't tell my mommy, she doesn't like it when I get table scraps, rah rooh! They also have a big, fenced-in yard for me to run around in and I LOVE IT!
~After-bath Energy: I Make My Stuffed Crab Fly Back and Forth~

But, I am getting ahead of myself....before I can go to GrandMonna's and GrandDadoo's, I have to get pretty! I get baths very regularly (about once a month), but right now mommy says I am shedding like crazy, so last night I got my second bath in 4 weeks! Mommy says she can't believe how much I shed - she keeps saying she should save it all and make an Arwen fur sweater...but why would she do that when I already have one, rah-rooh-rooh!
~My Impression of the "Cheshire Cat" - It is MUCH Better in Dog Form!~

So anyway, last night after mom scrubbed the whole house she got very sneaky and started piling clean towels in the bathroom and giving me the look like she was going to take a shower, which means that I have to come and lie down in the bathroom and guard it while she showers. But then, before I knew it, I was in the shower too! Rah-roh! Mommy has to come in the shower with me as I am very wriggly and it is almost impossible to get me clean any other way, so I got a shower, and covered mom with my fur. She looked good, but I think I look the best in black fur :)
~Getting Sleepy After Bath...And Getting Fuzzy Too!~

Mommy said I was very well behaved this time and stood quite still and listened very well. I was happy she got some of the falling out fur off of me - it was getting rather warm in the sun! Mommy said that she wanted to take pictures of me in the bath, or at least with the towels on me (that is my favorite part - I turn around and around to get under the towel so she can brusquely rub me down with them), but she was afraid of getting her good camera wet - sorry! Once I am free of the towels and the bathroom, I like to run around and play for quite a while to get my energy out - standing in the tub is very restrictive to my normally playful self! I toss my Crab around (in the first photo it is flying through the air during a particularly good death-shake), then I run up over the couches (mommy says I can't use the couches as a jungle gym, but I ignore her after a bath as I have soooo much energy - mommy covers the couches with blankets to keep them fairly furless as a result, rah rooh), then I sit on the top of my couch and mommy says I look the the Cheshire Cat..NO! I'm the Merrickville Dog, can't she see that?
~I KNEW She Forgot Something! I Finally Get My Treat~

After all of this I'm starting to get fairly tired, and REALLY fuzzy; it looks like I stuck my paw in an outlet - my fur sticks up everywhere! I was almost ready for my nap when I got called to the kitchen...Of course, how could I have forgotten! Ii got my favorite treat aside from peanut butter, my "Grilled Bison and Blueberry" cookies from Northern Biscuit - the best doggy cookies ever! Now I can nap and dream of chasing squirrels in GrandMonna's yard...until tomorrow, when I get to actually do it!
Sniff you tomorrow!

Mommy says to remind you that time is running out!! Sign up for my newsletter to try and win a pair of magnificent earrings from my NeoAmour Marie Antoinette collection (You have to sign up for the newsletter first to be eligible to win!!), see the full contest details here.
and Arwen

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