Thursday, October 30, 2008

Squishy Kitty

~My Squished Cat in a Red Box Needs Prayers~

In the midst of the worst flare up I have ever had, complete with the worst pain I have ever endured, I noticed that on my cat's sore hip there is a little spot on his leg that he has chewed his fur off. A few days later I noticed that he had chewed a small sore in the same spot, so he is off to the vet on Saturday. He needs all your prayers, as I think he is getting displaysia in his hips. He already needs dental surgery (we are trying to come up with the money somehow), but the displaysia is sort of a deal-breaker. I had a dog with displaysia as a kid, and it doesn't matter what you do - drugs, surgery, anything - it doesn't fix the problem, only prolongs their pain and suffering. Even though he is pretty healthy now (he is 13, so no one is perfect at that age), I don't want to fill him full of drugs that are going to have side effects and make him dopey, or the other extreme - hide the pain so that he damages his joints without realizing it. We need lots of prayers that whatever is going on is fixable (and that we can afford to fix it!!) or I am afraid I will have to make the most difficult decision of his (and my) life. I love my little fuzzy buddy, and he is my best furry friend. I want him to be happy, healthy and safe, and I can't in good conscience keep him doped up on meds when I know that he shouldn't be. If need be, I will make the decision to let him go to 'kitty heaven'. We need prayers - for him and me!
Until then, I am taking lots of pictures and giving him lots of chin scratches :)
God bless,

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Secret Addiction....

~Excerpt from a Beethoven Love Poem on My Photo~

I have a dirty little secret....when I am in the throes of a major flare-up I need distractions. This latest flare has been horrific - I can't move my arms without stabbing pain, and my fingers feel like they are breaking. Normally I would make jewellery or knit to distract myself, but with these latest pains I can't use my hands as well as I have previously, so I did something I don't normally do: I watched television. Now, normally that isn't a bad thing as I usually watch science shows, but this time I couldn't stand anything heavy - I needed something light and fluffy.
Enter Sex and the City the Movie.
Oh my goodness. The storyline is pretty light, but the real stars (aside from the ladies, of course) are the clothing and accessories, the houses and the lifestyles of the rich and successful woman.
Okay, I really liked it for the clothes, shoes and handbags. I don't think I've seen so many guilty little pleasures all at once. Manolo! Vuitton! Westwood! Oh my. Although I want a very simple wedding, I have to say that the scene with the couture wedding gowns was incredible. If I had the lifestyle, I think I would have actually fainted at the sight of those dresses and not rested until I had one of my own.
One scene really got to me - Sarah Jessica Parker was reading love poems from historical figures and one was from Beethoven. Here it is:
Though still in bed, my thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved, now and then joyfully, then sadly, waiting to learn whether or not fate will hear us -
I can live only wholly with you or not at all -
Yes, I am resolved to wander so long away from you until I can fly to your arms and say that I am really at home with you, and can send my soul enwrapped in you into the land of spirits -
Yes, unhappily it must be so -
You will be the more contained since you know my fidelity to you. No one else can ever possess my heart - never - never -
Oh God, why must one be parted from one whom one so loves.
And yet my life in V is now a wretched life -
Your love makes me at once the happiest and the unhappiest of men -
At my age I need a steady, quiet life - can that be so in our connection?
My angel, I have just been told that the mailcoach goes every day - therefore I must close at once so that you may receive the letter at once -
Be calm, only by a calm consideration of our existence can we achieve our purpose to live together -
Be calm - love me - today - yesterday - what tearful longings for you - you - you - my life - my all - farewell.
Oh continue to love me - never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.
ever thine
ever mine
ever ours

After hearing that I almost cried (okay I did actually cry) and I put the end of the poem on my photo of bleeding heart flowers.
The movie really emphasized the value of great friendships. Really good friends, really supportive, special people in your life. It really made me think - am I a good friend? Can I be a good friend when I am sick on the couch so much? Maybe I should get some Chanel - maybe that would really help me ;-)
So now you know my addiction. I am now addicted to Sex and the City. I'll be purchasing the movie and the entire television series the second I get the money. Fluff never looked so good (I think it's the Jimmy Choo's).


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Oh the Horror!

~Soft, Cuddly and Always Purring, He's the Only One Allowed
on my Lap - Even (or Especially) When I'm in Agony~

Horror is right - my in-laws had snow all day yesterday and it's not even November yet! I am so not ready. We still need to replace our snow shovel after last year's 'Battle with the Ice', and I haven't even winterized my yard - eek!
I am in the major throws of a flare-up, and for the first time ever, my hands and fingers are hurting like I broke them. I have to admit I'm pretty scared about that. Having use of my hands even when I'm in agony is the one solace I have - even if I'm hurting something awful I can usually still manage to knit/crochet/make jewellery/play video games to take my mind off of the pain. I definitely need to get back to the rheumatologist and fast.
On a much more positive note, I have a super-duper announcement! I have started an online store to go with my Low Allergy Kitchen Blog! I started it on Etsy, called Little Low Allergy Kitchen, because of the number of people who, like me, have a ton of food allergies. Unfortunately for a lot of you, however, people just don't have the time (or inclination - that's okay, I understand!) to spend hours in the kitchen baking up a storm. This is the store for you! You'll be able to get freshly baked goods (I bake your order when you order and ship next day with priority mail to get it to you the day after it's shipped) at reasonable prices, delivered right to your door, and know that they were made with your allergies in mind. I'll be adding more items to stock my store, so keep checking back!
Have a great day,

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Falling for Fall All Over Again

~An Abandoned Tractor Waits for the Icy Grip of Winter~

I love fall colors! The past Thanksgiving weekend Brennan and I went to his parents beautiful house in Huntsville, and wow what an amazing symphony of colors awaited us! The drive was long, and by the time we got there I was in full spasm-twitching pain, but I love going up there to see his family - they always make me feel so welcome and part of the family. We sat on their back deck and enjoyed the colors of the leaves and gorgeous sunshine for hours on end. It was an amazing lesson in how to relax - and for once I passed that test easily! There was always something more to see, more colors, more shadow play on the leaves and ground. It was awe inspiring to say the least. It really makes you feel small (in a good way!), knowing that you are part of something so much bigger than you.
We had a great visit and wonderful meals and conversations. I was sore, but I got through it, with a little help from the leaves, and a lot of help from family :)

Monday, October 6, 2008

A Fun Time for All!

On Saturday, October 4, I was one of many people privileged to be a part of the 15 year anniversary of Nature's Way Select Foods and Brewing Supplies. I was doing gluten free food sampling for El Peto and Judy's Magic Mixes, and I had an absolute blast, meeting lots of new people, and happily seeing familiar faces. I was in the tent outside with the other product vendors, and though it was cold, I wouldn't have missed it for the world! I even got my picture taken for the EMC, our local free paper!
October is Celiac disease awareness month, and it was great to see the sheer number of items and companies devoted to helping us with our dietary needs.
If you ever need health food advice, check out Nature's Way - they love what they do!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Life Is Like That...

~One of the Photos From My New Photo Card Collections~

"It never rains, but it pours". Yeah. I know. We are still trying our darnedest to save enough money to get the cat's teeth fixed (it's $1100), but with the way things are going, we will probably just put it on the line of credit and be done with it. We sure don't have any extra funds right now that's for sure:
We got our furnace oil last Thursday, and although we have a teeny tank, and had 1/4 of the tank still full, it was $430. Then I woke up Friday morning and went to take my after-workout shower - only to find that the hot water heater had quit. We got it fixed on Tuesday for $150. Yesterday we finally got the massive living room window replaced - at $535, and we got our hydro bill for $106 (okay, the hydro isn't so bad, as I am constantly turning off and unplugging things, driving Brennan bonkers, lol). Honestly, where does it end?? I need to get wire and other jewellery making supplies to make more stock, but I have no money. It's insanity!
That being said, I know we are not alone. I know I am not the only one in a relationship who is unable to work, living on a single income with debts and bills and financial stress. It is a really great motivator to get selling my jewellery and photography!!
With that in mind, I want to let you know that my other blog, Little Studio Photography and Jewellery, is having a contest! All you have to do is go to that blog and sign up as a follower during the month of October. On November 1, I will randomly select one follower to win a beautiful pair of earrings handmade by me! See the blog for details and get following!
That's all for now, blog at you later :)


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