Friday, June 26, 2009

Insult to Injury - Poor Arwen!

UPDATE: Arwen is doing fine now, the swelling is almost completely gone and she is back to carrying her seal around everywhere and trying to play fetch with it. Thank you all for your comments of concern and well wishes, she appreciates them :)

Poor Arwen! In addition to the torture I put her through earlier this week, I came upstairs from my workout to this face:One eye slightly swollen (on the left, her right eye) and the other VERY swollen (on the right, her left eye). Obviously her right eyelid had been bitten by a mosquito, but the other was bitten by a deer fly: a nasty, evil bug! PoorArwen! The swelling had gone down a bit by the time I took this photo as I gave her some Benadryl (in peanut butter of course!) and waited a bit, trying to make sure it wasn't going to get any worse. Here's another shot:
Rest assured, she is getting lots of cuddles and attention. Now that the Benadryl is kicking in, she is sleepy, but still trying to play with her toys, so that is a good sign. I'll keep you updated!
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1 comment:

Meghann said...

She is doing fine now, the swelling is almost completely gone and she is back to carrying her seal everywhere :)


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