Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away! (And in Other News)

~An Iris From My Garden~

It's been a while since I last posted as I've been really sick and sore, but I have finally linked my web site's FibroPage to this blog so that everyone gets the same posts.
It's been raining cats and dogs the last few weeks (well we had a few really sunny, hot and humid days over the weekend where I tried to recover and get some weeding done, but now it's back to raining) and that really seems to put me under the weather. At least I sleep well during the rain, I'm just really sore before each storm rolls in. And although I'm happy not to be lugging watering cans around my yard, I would really like a break from all the storms and downpours!
It also got me thinking. As a sufferer of Fibromyalgia and as an artist, it is about darn time for me to make some Fibromyalgia Awareness jewellery and have the profits go to the Canadian Arthritis Society and other Fibromyalgia charities. I'm working on some designs and I'll get back to you all on my progress - and soon!
That's all for now, I'm really sore - and nauseous!
Take care, gentle hugs to all my fibro-people!

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