Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday Features: Deronda Designs

Shades of Blue Handmade Lampwork Beads by DerondaDesigns
Today's Friday Feature post is about an amazing lampwork glass bead artist, DerondaDesigns. Read on to find out more about her incredible beads...
My name is Deronda and because it's not a common name, we decided ti would be perfect for my glass. My etsy shop is 
I play with glass and metal. The beads are the big part of what I do, but the etched copper is something that comes and goes as the mood hits. 
How did I get started? mom gave us the love of creativity and the encouragement to play with all kinds of stuff.
Pretty Pink Flowers Handmade Lampwork Beads by DerondaDesigns
 Do I have any other arts/crafts? Oh wow, have you been sneaking into my closets? The curiosity has led me into all kinds of things from woodwork, to sewing, to painting, to scrapbooking, to ceramics and on and on it goes. But glass is still my first love.
A story of my shop name? Nope, it's just my name...nothing exciting there? 
Every set of beads I make is different so it's hard to pick a favorite anything. A lot of what you might see in the shop depends on my moods. The glass has always been a way for me to express things that I can't say outloud. 
Right now I am selling on Etsy and Artfire and I have finished jewelry pieces and other things that have nothing to do with glass or jewelry at our little store here in my hometown.
Ivory and Amethyst Lentil Lampwork Beads by DerondaDesigns
Sometimes I blog a lot, and then I get busy and that you have reminded me, i will probably blog soon. It'
I do the FB thing: and you know that I am an addicted Plurker:
Her beads are incredible...I happen to have purchased the above beads, but you can find many more in her shop here:
Have a great day!

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