Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday Feature: Kelly Bermudez

Heart of Wisdom by Kelly Bermudez
Today's Friday Feature is about a wonderful Christian painter on Etsy, the very talented Kelly Bermudez. Read more to discover her beautiful shop and a giveaway!
My name is Kelly Bermudez - Gentle Whispers Visual Devotions I use acrylic, watercolor and mixed media. I love watercolor though. My hope is to bring joy and inspiration to others through my paintings.
Before I painted, I was actually a Police Officer for about 8 years. I was Military Police for 6 and a Deputy Sheriff for 2 and then one day the Lord called me to do art. I had never picked up a paint brush until about a year ago when God asked me to paint for Him. It was a leap of faith for me that is for sure! It has been a really exciting journey so far! Occasionally, I also enjoy scrapbooking and writing children's short stories.
A Dance for My King by Kelly Bermudez
“Gentle Whispers”....taken from 1 Kings 19:12...that we hear God in the still small voice...In the midst of all the noise in the world, God speaks to us in a Gentle whisper. “Visual Devotions” because, I want my artwork to be that Gentle Whisper that people hear God through. I generally have a verse that each of my paintings are inspired from. I am just starting out, but my prayer is that my art will be used to bring healing and hope to lives. Some people are more visual learners and a picture can touch the heart in a profound way. I am currently working on, "Gentle Whispers," a painting series of a very special Love Song. …it tells of God’s great love for His people. I can't wait to share it with you!
I really like “Heart of Wisdom.” I have sold more of this print actually through Facebook contacts.
I sell on Etsy and sometimes I have people contact me through Facebook.
Spring Lamb by Kelly Bermudez
 My blog is I am currently using this blog for my Illustration Friday entries.
I am also on Facebook:  and Twitter:!/kellybermudez10
I recently painted four paintings to be auctioned off for the Sudan Canvas Project. "The Sudan Canvas Project was founded to raise awareness of the atrocities towards women in Sudan. Through the power of art, this project strives to give victims of genocide hope through trade education." - Cynthia Davis, Founder  I have also donated numerous paintings for Church fundraisers. 
 What an amazing story, please visit her shop for more beautiful paintings here:

ALSO! Kelly has graciously offered to give away a FREE print of her Heart of Wisdom print to a random participant. All you have to do is leave a comment below by April 19 at midnight EST. I'll randomly draw the winner. PLEASE MAKE SURE WE HAVE A WAY TO CONTACT YOU! Best of luck, I wish I could enter :)

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