Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday's Methods: Great Photos with Lightboxes

Last week I showed you my nearly done office makeover and during that I showed you my new light box (above, with grey background). I wanted to do a whole tutorial on it, but really, I thought I would direct you to the blog that I got it from originally, the Sellers Assisting Sellers Blog. They are a group of full time Etsy sellers who give great advice on everything Etsy and online-selling related. I have found some VERY important info there and I hope you do too. The tutorial for the light box is HERE.
There are many well known bloggers on this site, including Ana from the House of Mouse, a favorite of mine, and a very successful seller herself. I really recommend bookmarking the Sellers blog if you are currently selling online, or are planning to in the future.

Have a great day!

P.S. If you are wondering at my absence over the weekend, it was Brennan's and my 8 year anniversary (yay us!). He got me my engagement ring, and um, we were a little busy on Saturday getting it resized. I am also busy planning for new cooking classes with my partner in crime, Melody. That takes quite a bit of time also :)

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