Monday, June 13, 2011

Sorry I'm Late, It's Been a Busy Few Weeks!

Some of My Farmer's Market Gear
Wow, 2 weeks went by in a flash! Sorry about that, I've been a busy little bee. I've started working some mornings at a veggie farm down the road from me to earn a little extra $$ and to help out my friend who has a TON of planting to do. We've had a really wet early spring so most farmers are just getting things planted now. Last week we planted a ton of tomato, basil, melons, red and white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, sunberries, ground cherries, peas, beans, carrots, beets ad probably a few things I'm forgetting. she starts all of her seeds herself and they have been taking over her entire house! What is more amazing is that although I am only there for a few hours at a time, I'll be exhausted and SO ready for a shower and a nap, and yet, she keeps going for HOURS at a time, I mean, this woman should replace the Energizer bunny, it is incredible. I'll try to take some photos to show you the progress of the farm.
Goodies in the Fridge, Ready to Go!
In other news, Arwen the Wonder Dog and I have been doing obedience once per week for the last month or so. I really can't believe the changes in that short amount of time. Arwen has always been a great, friendly dog, but she's had her issues (as we all do, I'm sure). The four or five classes we've had have been just amazing and she is really quite a star (Though I knew that all along!). Arwen is now so much better behaved when people come to the door, she hardly even barks now, except for a few barks to let us know there is someone in the driveway. She isn't pulling me into ditches or across the dirt roads when we go for walks now either. The biggest thing so far? The instructor and my veggie farm friend, Kathy, brought their dogs last week for socialization. Initially Arwen was a real pain, but, knowing that she is really lacking in the social bits, she calmed down remarkably fast and went about her obedience as if very little else was happening. Amazing! We're doing another class this morning with the other dogs and I know she'll be good.
Breads, and Scones, and Cookies, Oh My!
And of course, what has been keeping me the busiest is doing the Merrickville Farmer's Market each Saturday. Initially I was only going to sell my jewelry, but after telling a few people that I eat gluten free, egg free, corn free, etc., etc., I was convinced that I needed to add my GF baking in the mix too. I've been busy baking, packaging and coming up with labels, ingredient lists and displays. Busy Busy!
The first weekend was two weeks ago and went very well, especially as it is a very small market (only 5 vendors) and no one knew that I would be there. I am very lucky to be sharing my tent with Louise of Fireseed. She makes amazing glass beads that are featured in a few of my pieces. She's ducking behind her display in the above photo, silly Louise!
Here's my table from the first week. This past weekend I toned down the jewelry a bit (I think there was too much for people to look at the first week) and added more gluten free vegan goodies, with sample plates for people to try things before the commit the money to a full bag of cookies. GF baking is SO much more expensive, though I am going to be getting my flours in bulk soon to cut costs. This past week went even better than the first! I sold a bit more jewelry and the gluten free vegan goodies just about flew off the table (And not only due to wind, people LOVE my goodies!). For this coming weekend I am working on some crusty breads, oh my gosh, there are some in the oven now and they smell SOOOO good!
Sorry I haven't been blogging much lately, I'll try to correct that this week!
Have a great Monday!

and Arwen the Wonder Dog

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