Friday, June 24, 2011

Low Allergy Kitchen Website is Now Live!

After getting more and more requests for a Low Allergy Kitchen website over the last few farmer's markets, I have, finally, started a website for my Low Allergy Kitchen baked goods! You can visit at: and see a few of the goodies I have available. The site is still under construction, so please be patient while I photograph and upload images of all the wonderful gluten free foods that I am making, and then add ingredients lists and descriptions. I'll get there eventually!
It was, to be honest, much easier than I anticipated. Brennan finally got me on his iMac and showed me the iWeb program to make websites. Seriously idiot-proof, which is perfect for me when it comes to website design. 'Course, the bottom of every page has the stupid "Made on a Mac" logo, which bugs the heck out of me, but I suppose I can't have it all for a free program that I can actually use without looking like too much of a web-tard, lol.
Right now I'm working on getting photos of my muffins, cupcakes, breads and such to add to the site, along with prices. I'm only going to be able to take orders from people in Canada (sorry international folks, but rules are rules), but I think that will be enough to be getting along with for now. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me, or stop by the Merrickville Farmer's Market on Saturdays from 9-3 to talk to me in person!
Have a great day,

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