Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bulls of Catalonia, Rejoice!

(Image from

That's right all you big, hunky, masculine bulls, Catalonia, Spain has just banned bullfighting! Now, some see this as a purely political gesture to try to distance themselves from Spain (they want to be an independent state), but I, and many other animal-lovers, see this as a victory against blatant animal cruelty. No more killing of bulls disguised as "sport" - how sweet it is.
Here's one news article about it:
Let's have a big, happy MOO for that!


feefifoto said...

Moooo! Some may argue that tradition should be immutable, but a tradition that incorporates animal baiting is better off retired.

Meghann said...

I agree - it wouldn't be so bad if they could do it humanely - not using spears to pierce the bull's withers, for example - but it is still a cruel day for the bull to be taunted to extreme anger and stress.


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