Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - A Treasury!


Barry said...

I see it Meghann, but I'm not sure what a Treasury is? Is it like a collage?

Meghann said...

A treasury is a collection of items hand picked by Etsy artists to showcase a few of their favorite items and fellow artists if you click on the image above, you'll be taken to the Etsy site, where you can click on individual items and see them up close (and purchase if you so desire!), as well as other items the sellers have for sale :)

Renee said...

Meghann maybe cheesy but it made me smile.


Love Renee

How are you feeling?

Renee said...

Meghann besides sitting in a snow storm that I want gone already, my neck is killing me.

Other than that, peachy.

Love Renee xoxo

Renee said...

Meghann, first off how are you feeling. Does this damp weather affect you?

Wednesday's Women is all made up, there was no cake or party. I thought I would trick you all by thinking it was real because of my birthday and the inflation of ego.

Love Renee xoxo

Renee said...

Fear of fireplace in common = check.


Renee said...

Meghann one day at a time is the only way to go.

I'm with you.

Is fibromyaliga (?) an auto immune disease.

This weather when it is damp is a total killer for me too.

Have an awesome day.


Renee said...

Meghann we just had 3 days of snow and now it is damp, wet, slush, snow and it is brutal.

Hard on the body.

Love Renee xoxo

Renee said...

Meghann my husband didn't pay you to be so kind to me did he?

Thank you sweetheart. You made me feel good. I have a huge ego you know.

Seriously though Meghann thank you.

How are you feeling today. This dampness does not help.

Love Renee xoxo

Renee said...

A girl after my own heart. I too only say what I mean other wise what is the point.

I can't even listen to people go on about shit that isn't real. It doesn't have to be interesting, but at least keep it real. If I wanted fiction I would go read an interesting book.

Feel better soon. And thanks for the prayers.

Love Renee xoxo

Renee said...

Meghann I thought you might pay for living a normal life. Yike, the gardening I am sure was totally work it anyways.

Love Renee xoxo


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