Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday Feature: Belle Cosette

Clara Bow Bracelet by BelleCosette
Today's Friday Feature post is all about gorgeous vintage, upcycled & elegant jewelry by BelleCosette from Etsy. Read more to learn about this great artist and her creations...

Hello! My name is Scharlyn O'Connor, my Etsy shop is: BelleCosette, I make mainly jewelry, with an emphasis on upcycling & repurposing. I also love vintage ephemera, and recently made a quirkly Valentine's banner from one of my favorite pieces. 
Initially, I had a retail store in a small tourist town that was hit hard by the economy, and I started making jewelry to keep myself busy during slow times and as a way to add to the store inventory. I eventually closed the shop and kept my new creative love going by opening an Etsy shop. 
Alice in Wonderland Cuff by BelleCosette
I'm a serious Pinterest addict, and I'm open to creating anything from gifts to home decor items. I've started posting some of these as tutorials on my blog. I also love making embellished greeting cards from an amazing collection of family photographs I have...Organizing my photographs is the big project I hope to get done this spring.  
 I actually started a blog around the same time I opened my Etsy store, and I created the name as my ‘alter ego’, to take the edge off of putting it all out there. I have a page on the blog with a picture of me dressed up as a little girl, and as you can see I was obviously destined for a life in the style and design world. 
I've really only actively started working on my Etsy shop for about two months, so I can't say that I have a best selling item yet. My favorite item is the 'Return to Paris' Upcycled Cuff Bracelet, I made a second one for myself and wear it all the time! I've made several versions of these cuff bracelets. At my day job we ship large quantities of merchandise every day, and I started making cuff bracelets from the core of the packing tape rolls. The possibilities are endless!
Vintage Style Sparrow Bracelet by BelleCosette
Currently I sell only on Etsy, but I do get the occasional request from friends. I recently had a friend bring me a big bag of old jewelry from her mom's jewelry box and I created some matching bracelets from the old pieces for gifts for her to give to her nieces.
Do I blog? Yes, it's a lot of work, but I learn something new every day, and I'm really enjoying exploring the world of blogging. There is an endless number of amazing people out there, and the amount of inspiration is overwhelming sometimes! I have a big spreadsheet of ideas for the blog as well as my Etsy shop and I try to do something to improve them every day, along with creating, listing and posting! Um, and that's of course after family, farm, full time work, friends, you know, life! I try to incorporate a little bit of all parts of my life in my blog.
I'm on Facebook: Pinterest: 
Thank you for this opportunity! I have an amazing and challenging life (don't we all?), and I feel so blessed to have such a fullfilling creative outlet. Sales are so rewarding, but only second to being able to do what I love.
Isn't she amazing? Please visit her shop and see more of her romantic jewelry today:

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