Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Feature: Badgereels!

Green and White Elephant Fabric Covered Buttons by Badgereels
This Friday's Feature post is all about a great lady named Amy Dutsch (you may remember her from MamasLittleMonkeys). Amy owns and runs Badgereels on Etsy. Check out her interview below for more info on this wonderful shop...
My name is Amy Dutsch and I run Badge Reels, - I create fabric covered badge reel ID Holders, keychains, and fabric buttons.
I got started on Etsy and in the handmade life around June 2008. I started out with my shop, which I've recently closed because there just aren't enough hours in the day! I have run several other shops but this is my main focus now. I actually got started this shop and the badge reels because I LOVE making the fabric's rather a therapy for me. I find it soothing to press them! :) Then I noticed the ID holders nurses and teachers often wore and thought, surely they could be "funner"? I realized the size 60 button was the perfect size and an obsession was born. I may very well drown in buttons one day...
Crochet is Freaking Awesome Badge Reel by Badgereels
I'm well known as craft/shop addict. If it can be tried, I'll try it. I have at one time or another: made soap, sewn, did light jewelry making, floral work, and am currently learning crochet and knit! 
Is there a story behind the shop name? Well, they are badge reels!! But honestly I never realized when I started that at first glance, it looks like Badger Eels! So I had some fun with that and my friend, Kay of drew up and adorable banner of a badger and an eel hanging out on my banner! It's awesome, I use it on April Fool's Day :)
My best selling item has to be several floral fabrics I have and some of the college prints. Alabama fans are SERIOUS, which is funny because I'm in LSU and Saints country. 
I sell my work on Etsy, Artfire and so far, in one gift shop in Maurepas, LA, The Dragonfly Cafe.
Sock Monkey Fabric Covered Badge Reel by Badgereels
I blog on my personal blog at and on Fridays at
I have a facebook page,  and I tweet (when I remember) from . I'm also on  as mamaslilmonkeys and on Flickr as mamaslittlemonkeys :)
I am founder of Handmade Louisiana, a great group of artisans that I founded with two fabulous local ladies. We can be found at 
I dabble in a lot of things in life, I am a mother of two boys, one of who has Autism and we are a Gluten Free family. I also run the local chapter of the Celiac Sprue Association, So I'm a busy girl! :)
What a fantastic shop, and an even more amazing woman! Please visit her shop at and see more awesome items.

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